The Fundamental Guide: What Is SEO and How Does It Work?

If you think that SEO is magic or something beyond your expertise and you will never excel in it, then it’s the perfect time to stop thinking like this. In this blog, I will tell you how everyone can do SEO. It’s not simple, of course, but it’s not as hard as you think.

The blog is not about how you can perform SEO and rank your website, but it’s the most accurate guide for any beginner who is starting as a digital marketer and has zero knowledge about SEO.

Over the last few decades, the way business operates has changed, thanks to the Internet. SEO is the added pillar of this success. SEO is not something that gives you money directly, but SEO boosts the chances of getting money; if you know how to use SEO, then your brand will never need to run endless ads to get the desired potential customers.


What is SEO: 

Search Engine Optimization is the process of getting more traffic to your website organically by showing your existence on the SERP page. It will be easy for you to understand with an example. 

Suppose you have a beauty parlour; you want to make people aware of it. The first step you will do is to write about it and index your page on the web. Then SEO comes into play; Your page will be buried under the 1000s of pages on the web without the help of SEO. SEO is not a one-day thing. It consists of many, and I will tell you more about it step by step. 

Difference between SEO and Paid search: 


We will use the term organic search instead of SEO, So organic and paid ads look similar, yet their impact is different. Let us know how it is different from each other and their impact. 




The main difference between Organic and paid search is time. People choose paid ads over organic search because they want to save time. I already told you that SEO is not a one-day thing; it’s the process of daily analyzing and modifying.

People don’t have that much time to invest in that, so they generally opt for paid ads. In the case of paid ads, your website comes to the top of the page before the first organic result, and you can trace it as there will be written ads in that result. Those who have budget issues and want to play the long game go for the organic way. 




In simple words, you pay Google for the traffic. The traffic comes through either Pay-per-click (PPC) or Cost-per-click (CPC), and every time someone clicks to visit your website, Google deducts it from your ad account balance. In the case of paid ads, you need to invest both your time and resources. While in SEO, you need to provide your time majorly. 


Return on Investment: 


When it comes to the return on your investment, it is very easy to answer that paid ads will give you better ROI, as in the case of Paid ads, google provides more keyword data than you can have in Google Analytics. In the case of Organic traffic, it is much less as it will take a long time. But Organic search plays an important role in the long run as paid ads keep losing it’s ability day 

by day. 


Share of traffic:  


In this context, organic search is a clear winner. 70-80% of traffic comes through organic search, and the rest, 20-30%, comes through paid search. It needs to be kept in mind that paid ads include other factors, too. 

Why SEO is important: 

According to Brightedge, SEO drives 1000%+ more traffic than Social Media. That is the reason SEO is not directly generating revenue, but it is the most influential one to help generate revenue. As I have said earlier, SEO consists of optimizing website content, keyword research and inbound links. Trillions of searches happen every year; it is the basic knowledge pool for human beings, so it is essential to have a search engine-friendly website for every business or even personal website.  


Three pillars of SEO: 


If you can recall, in the last blog, I mentioned some of the soft skills for a digital marketer, and again, as a digital marketer, knowing how to get your brand in front of crores of people is a core skill. 




This is everything on your own; this is your content, your previous blog link (Inbound links), and basically everything that is visible to your audience on your website. Use a perfect CMS like WordPress, Wix or Ghost and apply it. You just need to make sure that your content is good enough to be shown on the front page of Google. 

Off Page 


This is not in your hands; you can still influence this. This is all about building authenticity and relevancy by working on things like Backlink. Link quality can overtake link quantity. 




This includes anything that affects the performance and visibility of your site or how the search engine accesses it. It’s not something related to the content, like a behind-the-door scene. 

What is White Hat SEO: 


It is fair practice; white hat SEO means working with SEO fairly by keeping the legal practices in mind and following all of the terms and conditions. 

It consists of 

  • Creating original and High-quality content 
  • High-quality, less difficult keyword 
  • Keyword-rich meta tags 
  • Mobile friendly website 


What is Black Hat SEO: 


Black hat SEO means which is against the terms and conditions. It will be fascinating if it gives immense results within a short span, but it will most likely be banned once Google can identify it. 

It includes 

  • Keyword Stuffing 
  • Link Manipulation 
  • Creating duplicate pages, article

SEO terms you should know 


Title Tag 


This is the heading of your blog. The search engine displays 50-60 characters of your title tag on search results. 


Meta Description 


The meta description is the small description of your content; the Search Engine shows it below the title tag. It gives more understanding of the blog or write-up. It influences the CTR. 


URL structures 


The Uniform Resource Locator or URL is the evidence of your content on the web, so it’s always better to use an SEO-friendly URL so visitors can understand what you wrote, which also influences the CTR. If you don’t focus, you can face lower ranks too. 


Header Tag 


It is helpful to structure your content. Each tag can give different meanings; like H1 tags for the title, H2 tags can be used for the main item and then subheading with H3.  




It’s like a roadmap for both the search engines and users to understand the structure of the website. 



Everything in this market has some impact, less or more, long or short; as a digital marketer, you should have a basic idea of everything around you. I want to mention the thing here: Jack of all trades, master of one. So, let me know how you will use this lesson and work on your digital marketing career. 

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